
CS 498MC Martian Computing at the University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign

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Auras (A Type System)

Learning Objectives

Reading Types in Urbit

For Nock, everything is either an atom or a cell. An atom is a single integer, whereas a cell is a pair of atoms and/or cells. Since all values are ultimately integers, we need a way to tell different “kinds” (or applications) of integers apart. Enter auras.

(For what it’s worth, having all-integers isn’t that different from any other digital machine, built on binary numbers. These all derive ultimately from Gödel numbers. Urbit makes this about as apparent as C does (via union), but it’s first-order accessible via the Dojo REPL.)

An aura is a bit of metadata Hoon attaches to a value which tells Urbit how you intend to use a number. (Of course, ultimately an aura is itself an integer as well!) The default aura for a value is @ud, unsigned decimal, but of course there are many more. Aura operations are extremely convenient for converting between representations. They are also used to enforce type constraints on atoms in expressions and gates.

Because any value needs an aura, the way that a number is represented in text indicates to the Hoon parser what the aura should be. For instance, a bare number like 1 or 1.000 is an @ud unsigned decimal. .3.9581792e-26 is a 32-bit floating-point number, 0x1543.ffe2 is a hexadecimal, and ~folfel-figput is a verbal mnemonic. (All of those are the same integer, by the way: 356.777.954.)

Try the following auras. See if you can figure out how each one is behaving.





This is a table of the core auras and their expected formats:

Aura Description Example
@ Empty aura  
@c Unicode codepoint ~-~45fed.
@da Date, absolute ~2020.12.25..7.15.0..1ef5
@dr Date, relative ~d71.h19.m26.s24..9d55
@p Phonemic base ~laszod-dozser-fosrum-fanbyr
@rs Floating-point number, single-precision, 32-bit .3.141592653589793
@rd Floating-point number, double-precision, 64-bit  
@sb Signed binary --0b10.0000
@sd Signed decimal --1.000
@sx Signed hexadecimal --0x2004.90fd
@t UTF-8 text (cord) 'urbit'
@ta ASCII text (knot) ~.urbit
@tas ASCII text symbol (term) %urbit
@ub Unsigned binary 0b10.1011
@uc Bitcoin address 0c1A1zP1eP5QGefi2DMPTfTL5SLmv7DivfNa
@ud Unsigned decimal 8.675.309
@ux Unsigned hexadecimal 0x84.5fed

Leading zeroes are always stripped; if you attempt to input an invalid representation, the Dojo will chomp your input.

Auras are used to specify input and output types for gates.

++  add
  |=  [a=@rs b=@rs]  ^-  @rs
  (add:ma a b)

We call the data type specifications molds. Molds are much more general than auras, but auras are a particular case.

If you don’t care what your input is, the most general input is * which simply matches any noun.

::  Determine whether two nouns are in alphabetical order.
++  aor
  |=  [a=* b=*]  ^-  ?
  ?:  =(a b)  &
  ?.  ?=(@ a)
    ?:  ?=(@ b)  |
    ?:  =(-.a -.b)
      $(a +.a, b +.b)
    $(a -.a, b -.b)
  ?.  ?=(@ b)  &
  =+  [c=(end 3 1 a) d=(end 3 1 b)]
  ?:  =(c d)
    $(a (rsh 3 1 a), b (rsh 3 1 b))
  (lth c d)

(As an aside, Hoon uses loobeans rather than booleans for logical operations. A loobean TRUE is 0, %.y, while FALSE is 1, %.n. The philosophy underlying this is that there is one way to be right but many ways to be wrong. Also, for those of you screaming in C or Java, keep in mind that Bash also adopts this stance. That’s why your int main function ends with return 0;.)

Auras are non-coercive, but conversions may have to go via the empty aura sometimes.

^-(@ud ^-(@ 'cyberpunk'))

(The ^- kethep rune is the regular form of applying a rune: \@ud``, for instance. Those two statements are equivalent.)

A user can designate any custom aura, but the pretty-printer only knows about the built-in auras.

|=  a=@  ^-  @z
`@z`(add 1 a)

Debugging Hoon is not for the faint of heart. The errors are arcane and sometimes poorly documented. Nevertheless, most errors occur frequently enough and in common patterns of programemer malfeasance that one learns to handle them fairly quickly.

Aura and type mismatches are a common error source.

Common Patterns

We are going to dive more deeply into syntax in the next lesson (Syntax), but for now there are some common patterns in Hoon which you should get used to seeing:

Most of these have specialized handling routines (much like how Python formally prefers you to use os.path.join rather than hard-coding slashes and backslashes).

A Deeper Look

To summarize, the most fundamental, unitary data type in Urbit is an atom. Atoms are integers, but may have auras attached to them. The auras are advisory, not coercive, so it remains easy to soft-enforce type expectations but still convert smoothly between auras.

To be precise, Hoon actually wraps Nock atoms with two pieces of metadata: the aura, which we’ve studied, and a constant, which determines whether or not the atom itself is constant. (The runtime uses this information.) A cold atom is fixed, a warm atom can change.

If you would like to see what kind of atom you have, use ream, which is the compiler parser function. (ream accepts a cord, so you’ll have to wrap the hoon in single quotes.)

> (ream '1.844')
[%sand p=%ud q=1.844]

> (ream '.~0.54')
[%sand p=%rd q=4.603.]

> (ream '%urbit')
[%rock p=%tas q=499.984.265.845]

> (ream '~')
[%bust p=%null]

The @tas tags returned by ream represent the fixity of the atom, cold or warm. A cold atom is %rock while a warm atom is %sand. %bust represents the null value ~. All that is necessary to produce a cold atom is to prefix the warm atom form with %:

> (ream '0v3ich')
[%sand p=%uv q=117.137]

> (ream '%0v3ich')
[%rock p=%uv q=117.137]

Why do cold atoms and warm atoms matter? A warm atom is loose, and its type is inferred to be general. In practice, this means that you can cast a cold atom to a warm atom, but not vice versa: a form of type protection.

A cold atom, in contrast, is fixed, and behaves rather like a constant. It can also be used to enforce aura type rigorously:

> `%12`%12
> `%12`12
/~zod/home/~2020.4.7..06.13.55..d061/sys/vane/ford:<[4.820 18].[4.820 59]>
ford: %slim failed:
ford: %ride failed to compute type:

Implied Bitwidth

Capital letters at the end of auras indicate the bitwidth in binary powers of two, starting from A ($2^0$). As auras are non-coercive, these serve no absolute role, but are sometimes useful in labeling expected values and tracking program behavior.

Aura Description
@ubD signed single-byte (8-bit) decimal
@tD 8-bit ASCII text
@rhE half-precision (16-bit) floating-point number
@uxG unsigned 64-bit hexadecimal
@uvJ unsigned 512-bit integer with base-32 representation (frequently used for entropy)