
CS 498MC Martian Computing at the University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign

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%ask Generators

Learning Objectives

%ask Generators

We use %ask generators to accept user input during the operation of the program, much like input or scanf in other languages.

As with a %say generator, an %ask generator is a cell which Arvo interprets in a particular way.

That is, at this point we know about three kinds of generators. Each is a core but has a characteristic shape that Arvo knows how to access:

  1. Naked generators are just gates.
  2. %say generators are cells of %say and a cask.
  3. %ask generators are cells of %ask and a sole-result.

A sole-result is a mold builder. We haven’t delved deeply into molds quite yet, but a mold is a coercive function which makes a noun match a specified type. A mold builder, therefore, takes the molds from the body of the generator and reshapes them in a characteristic way for Arvo to interpret.

/-  sole
/+  generators
=,  [sole generators]
:-  %ask
|=  *
^-  (sole-result (cask tang))
%+  print    leaf+"Who's on first?"
%+  prompt   [%& %prompt "name: "]
|=  t=tape
%+  produce  %tang
?:  =(t "Yes")
  :~  leaf+"I mean the fellow's name."
?:  =(t "That's the man's name.")
  :~  leaf+"That's who's name?"
:~  leaf+"Who's on first,"
    leaf+"What's on second,"
    leaf+"I Don't Know is on third."

New runes? New runes:

You’ve seen tang and leaf before in Ford 1 when we talked about producing error messages.


The sole structure library lives in %home/sur/sole/hoon (note that it is imported with /-). I recommend opening and reading this file.

There are a lot of standard structures in sole; we are primarily interested in ++sole-result, which is a conditional result (thus, dependent on input).


The generators library lives in %home/lib/generators/hoon. Unsurprisingly, it provides some convenience functions for constructing generators. I recommend opening and reading this file.

You are primarily interested in employing ++print, ++prompt, and ++produce, all of which are reasonably demonstrated in the example code above and in the documentation. (Also not ++curl.)