CS 498MC Martian Computing at the University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign
It’s time for a philosophical fireside chat. To tie together our loose ends up to this point, and to preface our further dive into the kernel post-Gall, we need to read the Urbit Whitepaper and thoroughly discuss its perspective. We will also need to re-read and internalize the Urbit Precepts (an aesthetic of programming) and their associated discussion.
, Philip Monk ~wicdev-wisryt
, Anton Dyudin, and Raymond Pasco, “Urbit: A Solid-State Interpreter” (“Whitepaper”), sections 1–8, 11–15~wicdev-wisryt
, “Urbit Precepts”~wicdev-wisryt
, “Urbit Precepts (Discussion)”Read the docs on processing a move in Arvo.