
CS 498MC Martian Computing at the University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign

View the Project on GitHub davis68/martian-computing

Gall IV

Learning Objectives

“The Gall of It All”

Let’s take one last wistful look into %gall. As with other vanes, it lives split between gall.hoon and zuse.hoon.

What I’d like to particularly examine at this point is how Gall communicates with webpages. This primarily takes place today via Landscape, but there’s nothing in Gall that ties it to Landscape specifically: it’s just one more agent.

A Gall agent and a webpage communicate via a ++channel. PUT requests along a path represent subscriptions and pokes, while GET requests represent event sources.

+$  channel
  $:  ::  channel-state: the duct currently listening
      state=(each timer duct)
      ::  next-id: next sequence number to use
      ::  events: unacknowledged events
      events=(qeu [id=@ud lines=wall])
      ::  subscriptions: gall subscriptions
      subscriptions=(map wire [ship=@p app=term =path duc=duct])
      ::  heartbeat: sse heartbeat timer
      heartbeat=(unit timer)

I’ve elided %heartbeat in our previous looks at Gall, but they’re worth mentioning: a %heartbeat is a periodic timer to check on a duct or channel. %eyre and %gall are the primary consumers of %heartbeats since they use them to check on webpage or agent state. For instance, here is %eyre’s channel timeout arm:

++  set-timeout-move
  |=  [channel-id=@t expiration-time=@da]
  ^-  move
  [duct %pass /channel/timeout/[channel-id] %b %wait expiration-time]

(This is uncharacteristically straightforward; it always makes me jumpy when the names make sense in Arvo!)

A Deep Dive into weather.hoon

Let’s take an annotated look at the weather.hoon Landscape app. This app needs to do three things: retain state (location); pull weather data; and pass information to subscribers (the Javascript-based Landscape tile).

/+  *server, default-agent, verb, dbug
=,  format

The app will use the following libraries:

The format namespace is exposed for the %zuse format parsers to be more readily available.

+$  card  card:agent:gall
+$  versioned-state
  $%  state-zero
+$  state-zero  [%0 data=json time=@da location=@t timer=(unit @da)]
=|  state-zero
=*  state  -
%+  verb  |
%-  agent:dbug
^-  agent:gall

The main core has standard boilerplate: +$card is aliased, the versioned state is provisioned, and the wrappers imported earlier are set up. This is followed by a =< tisgal which reverses the order of the following two daughter branches, so let’s look at the auxiliary tools first:

|_  bol=bowl:gall
++  poke-json
++  request-darksky
++  http-response
++  wake

It is worth your while to read each of these carefully.

The main agent core has the following arrangement:

|_  bol=bowl:gall
+*  this  .
    weather-core  +>
    wc    ~(. weather-core bol)
    def   ~(. (default-agent this %|) bol)
++  on-init  [~ this]
++  on-save  !>(state)
++  on-load
++  on-poke
++  on-watch
++  on-arvo
++  on-leave  on-leave:def
++  on-peek   on-peek:def
++  on-agent  on-agent:def
++  on-fail   on-fail:def

As you can see, there are some aliases for commonly used but abstruse locations in the subject, followed by “sufficiently interesting” code in four arms. Note especially how weather-core is defined and referred to subsequently; this is a very helpful style for complex agents, particularly if they shadow names.

Spiders and Imps

At the bottom of our conceptual map of Arvo and userspace sat the transient daemons that instrument certain agents, known as imps.

  1. “Runtime (Nock interpreter, persistence engine, IO drivers, jets)
  2. “Kernel vanes (managed by Arvo)
  3. “Userspace agents (managed by Gall, permanent state)
  4. “Userspace imps (managed by Spider, transient state)”

The spider structure can be shown briefly in full:

/+  libstrand=strand
=,  strand=strand:libstrand
+$  thread  $-(vase _*form:(strand ,vase))
+$  input   [=tid =cage]
+$  tid     tid:strand
+$  bowl    bowl:strand
+$  http-error
  $?  %bad-request   :: 400
      %forbidden     :: 403
      %nonexistent   :: 404
      %offline       :: 504

These are interfaces to track the evolution of particular strands. A strand is an asynchronous transaction monad:

++  strand
  ::  Output of strand computation
  ++  output  (strand-output-raw a)
  ::  Type of strand computation
  ++  form  (strand-form-raw a)
  ::  Monadic pure:  identity computation for bind
  ++  pure
  ::  Monadic bind.  Combines two computations, associatively.
  ++  bind
  ::  Take a new sign and evaluate the strand against it
  ++  eval

Now we are closer to the heart of what our transient threads are doing: they are async monads to let us progressively update the state of a computation based on periodically checking process status.

A common pattern in Arvo is to have a user-facing generator or Gall agent which spins up transient imps for each call. Consider, for instance, |hi:


/?    310
:-  %say
|=({^ {who/ship mez/$@(~ {a/tape ~})} ~} helm-send-hi+[who ?~(mez ~ `a.mez)])


:: this token comes in
%helm-send-hi          =;(f (f !<(_+<.f vase)) poke-send-hi)
:: which passes through a number of arms to eventually land at


/-  spider
/+  strandio
=,  strand=strand:spider
^-  thread:spider
|=  arg=vase
=/  m  (strand ,vase)
^-  form:m
=+  !<([who=ship mez=$@(~ [=tape ~])] arg)
=/  message  ?~(mez '' (crip tape.mez))
;<  ~  bind:m  (poke:strandio [who %hood] %helm-hi !>(message))
(pure:m !>("hi {<who>} successful"))

You can see many more examples of the transient imp processes in ted/.

Any time you are dispatching multiple processes which have to wait on asynchronous calculations, it’s worth considering setting up Spider.