
CS 498MC Martian Computing at the University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign

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The Hoon Compiler

Learning Objectives

We dealt with parsing text previously for generic token matching and handling. The Hoon parsing library is quite substantial, however, and bootstraps the language itself on initial ship launch.

Building Code

For our purposes, we can consider compilers to have the following possible steps:

  1. Preprocessing
  2. Lexical analysis
  3. Syntax analysis
  4. Semantic analysis
  5. Conversion to intermediate representation
  6. Code optimization
  7. Code generation

After this, linking is an eighth relevant step which involves turning discrete machine-code binaries into a single working program.

The structure of the Urbit virtual machine elides the necessity of some of these; for instance, linking is obviated by subject-oriented programming plus scrying.

Logically, Hoon parsing takes the following steps:

  1. Preprocessing (desugaring)
  2. Lexical analysis
  3. Syntactico-semantic analysis (for a Lisp, there is no ambiguity)
  4. Compilation to Nock

The Urbit parser first desugars expressions.

If the resulting code is lexically valid, it produces an AST; else, it raises an error such as %generator-build-fail. For instance, one can produce an AST for a compile-time failure such as nest-fail:

> !,  *hoon  (add:rs .1 "a")
[%cncl p=[%tsld p=[%wing p=~[%add]] q=[%wing p=~[%rs]]] q=~[[%sand p=%rs q=1.065.353.216] [%knit p=~[97]]]]
> (add:rs .1 "a")
-have.[i=@tD t=""]
dojo: hoon expression failed

The AST is then compiled to Nock; at this point, compile-time failures like mint and nest occur.

%clay’s ++ford arm caches the built Nock executable.

=sole -build-file /===/lib/sole/hoon

The Parser

Parsing Hoon is related to parsing text. The Hoon must be consumed into a data structure—in the case of Nock-based languages, everything becomes a binary tree.

In fact, you can see the AST for any Hoon expression in one step using !, zapcom.

> !,  *hoon  (add 1 2)
[%cncl p=[%wing p=~[%add]] q=~[[%sand p=%ud q=1] [%sand p=%ud q=2]]]

Two equivalent operations that are syntactically different may produce different ASTs:

> !,  *hoon  =/  h  5  (add h 1)
[ %tsnt
  q=[%sand p=%ud q=5]
  r=[%cncl p=[%wing p=~[%add]] q=~[[%wing p=~[%h]] [%sand p=%ud q=1]]]
> !,  *hoon  =/  h  5  +(h)
[%tsnt p=term=%h q=[%sand p=%ud q=5] r=[%dtls p=[%wing p=~[%h]]]]

Sugared expressions reveal their desugared form:

> !,  *hoon  ?=(%.y 1)
[%tsls p=[%sand p=%ud q=1] q=[%wtts p=[%over p=~[[%.y p=3]] q=[%leaf p=%f q=0]] q=~[[%.y p=2]]]]

Sugared expressions will reduce to the same result as their desugared form:

> !,  *hoon  =(%.y 1)
[%dtts p=[%rock p=%f q=0] q=[%sand p=%ud q=1]]
> !,  *hoon  .=(%.y 1)
[%dtts p=[%rock p=%f q=0] q=[%sand p=%ud q=1]]

Notice the %dtls in there for .+? That maps into the Nock increment operator Rule Four:

{$dtls *}  [(nice [%atom %$ ~]) [%4 q:$(gen p.gen, gol [%atom %$ ~])]]

Because Hoon rigorously defines all symbols and their interpretations (as does Lisp), there is a direct equivalence between the source code representation and the parsed abstract syntax tree (AST). This allows for metaprogramming over common structures like cores and doors. (Think about using dry cores with different variadicities, or wet cores.)

The Hoon parser is ++vast, with the regular form in ++structure:norm:vast and irregular form in ++scat:vast and ++scad:vast.


Any parser must tokenize an input string to yield sensible tokens for the handler. You can use ++scan to parse a tape given a rule:

> (scan "100 200 300 400 500" (more ace dem))
[100 [i=200 t=~[300 400 500]]]

A parsing rule in Hoon describes a way of unambiguously turning a tape into a binary tree of tokens. Formally, ++rule is a door operating on a nail and an edge.

++  rule  _|:($:nail $:edge)

A ++nail is a parsing input, or location and remainder of parsed text,

++  nail  {p/hair q/tape}

while an ++edge is a parsing output, or location input and optional result and parsing continuation,

++  edge  {p/hair q/(unit {p/* q/nail})}

There are examples of rules in the parsing tutorial and in 4f Parsing (Rule Builders).

For Hoon, everything is a noun, which means that in one sense we have a straightforward result (a binary tree of nouns) and in another sense a very complex result (a binary tree of tokens distinguishing runes, literals, and other values).

Dojo scans input for rule failure and will not allow you to type ill-formed input. (You can get around this but it won’t execute.)


++expression:norm:vast parses runes into tokens. It produces unique tokens tagging each actual rune occurrence (which may be reduced further by desugaring). For instance, for the | bar runes it proceeds thus:

++  expression
  %-  stew
  ^.  stet  ^.  limo
  :~  :-  '|'
        ;~  pfix  bar
          %-  stew
          ^.  stet  ^.  limo
          :~  ['_' (rune cab %brcb exqr)]
              ['%' (runo cen %brcn ~ expe)]
              ['@' (runo vat %brvt ~ expe)]
              [':' (rune col %brcl expb)]
              ['.' (rune dot %brdt expa)]
              ['-' (rune hep %brhp expa)]
              ['^' (rune ket %brkt expx)]
              ['~' (rune sig %brsg exqc)]
              ['*' (rune tar %brtr exqc)]
              ['=' (rune tis %brts exqc)]
              ['?' (rune wut %brwt expa)]
              ['$' (rune bus %brbs exqe)]


Each aura has a unique way of writing and printing in Hoon. Since we are concerned with parsing, we defer the discussion of the prettyprinter to Hoon 2.

The ++so arm parses atoms. For instance, to parse an unsigned decimal value, the ++bisk:so arm is utilized:

++  so
  ~%  %so  +  ~
  ++  bisk
    ;~  pose
      ;~  pfix  (just '0')
        ;~  pose
          (stag %ub ;~(pfix (just 'b') bay:ag))
          (stag %uc ;~(pfix (just 'c') fim:ag))
          (stag %ui ;~(pfix (just 'i') dim:ag))
          (stag %ux ;~(pfix (just 'x') hex:ag))
          (stag %uv ;~(pfix (just 'v') viz:ag))
          (stag %uw ;~(pfix (just 'w') wiz:ag))
      (stag %ud dem:ag)

++sane can be used to determine if a value is compatible with an aura (as @tas). It is unfortunately still inchoate at the time of writing (marked with XX more and better sanity.)

Other input formatting functions include

Cells and Other Types

Cells are marked with the %cell tag; cores with %core; jetting and binary hints with %hint; and so forth. These are enumerated in the 5a Compiler Utilities section of hoon.hoon.


Runes are defined in the +$hoon arm of hoon.hoon, of which a representative sample follows:

{$mcts p/marl:hoot}                         ::  ;=  list templating
{$mccl p/hoon q/(list hoon)}                ::  ;:  binary to nary
{$mcnt p/hoon}                              ::  ;/  [%$ [%$ p ~] ~]
{$mcgl p/spec q/hoon r/hoon s/hoon}         ::  ;<  bind
{$mcsg p/hoon q/(list hoon)}                ::  ;~  kleisli arrow
{$mcmc p/spec q/hoon}                       ::  ;;  normalize

The types of children that a rune may have are enumerated in 4o Molds; there are a handful of others for XML parsing and interpolation in ++hoot:

+$  abel  typo                                  ::  original sin: type
+$  alas  (list (pair term hoon))               ::  alias list
+$  atom  @                                     ::  just an atom
+$  aura  @ta                                   ::  atom format
+$  base                                        ::  base mold
+$  woof  $@(@ {~ p/hoon})                      ::  simple embed
+$  chum  $?  lef/term                          ::  jet name
+$  coil  $:  p/garb                            ::  name, wet/dry, vary
              q/type                            ::  context
              r/(pair seminoun (map term tome)) ::  chapters
          ==                                    ::
+$  garb  (trel (unit term) poly vair)          ::  core
+$  poly  ?(%wet %dry)                          ::  polarity
+$  foot  $%  {$dry p/hoon}                     ::  dry arm, geometric
              {$wet p/hoon}                     ::  wet arm, generic
          ==                                    ::
+$  link                                        ::  lexical segment
+$  crib  [summary=cord details=(list sect)]    ::
+$  help  [links=(list link) =crib]             ::  documentation
+$  limb  $@  term                              ::  wing element
+$  null  ~                                     ::  null, nil, etc
+$  onyx  (list (pair type foot))               ::  arm activation
+$  opal                                        ::  limb match
+$  pica  (pair ? cord)                         ::  & prose, | code
+$  palo  (pair vein opal)                      ::  wing trace, match
+$  plat                                        ::
+$  pock  (pair axis nock)                      ::  changes
+$  port  (each palo (pair type nock))          ::  successful match
+$  spec                                        ::  structure definition
+$  tent                                        ::  model builder
+$  tiki                                        ::  test case
+$  skin                                        ::  texture
+$  tome  (pair what (map term hoon))           ::  core chapter
+$  tope                                        ::  topographic type

Desugaring is defined in terms of the runic primitives. For instance, ?@ wutpat reduces to ?:(?=(@ p) q r). This is represented in the parser by:

{$wtvt *}   [%wtcl [%wtts [%base %atom %$] p.gen] q.gen r.gen]

(There is a relic of an attempted renaming of $ buc to bus in the $bs rune names. You can find a few other legacy notations in the palimpsest of hoon.hoon, such as vat for @ pat and net for / fas.)

ASTs to Nock

Given an abstract syntax tree with tokens and atoms, how is it converted to Nock?

++ride is the end-to-end compiler, which uses ++mint:ut and ++ream to produce an executable nock.

++  ream                                        ::  parse cord to hoon
  |=  txt/@
  ^-  hoon
  (rash txt vest)
++  ride                                        ::  end-to-end compiler
  |=  {typ/type txt/@}
  ^-  (pair type nock)
  ~>  %slog.[0 leaf/"ride: parsing"]
  =/  gen  (ream txt)
  ~>  %slog.[0 leaf/"ride: compiling"]
  ~<  %slog.[0 leaf/"ride: compiled"]
  (~(mint ut typ) %noun gen)

++ream (really ++rash) is fairly straightforward in its product:

> (ream '+(1)')
[%dtls p=[%sand p=%ud q=1]]

++ar is the “texture engine,” which produces $nocks using arms like ++fish. But the real magic takes place in ++mint, which maps rune tokens with type, and ++mull, which deals with wet gate operations. (There are quite a number of other arms in ++ar such as ++fish and ++bake which are used in handling and expanding molds as well.)

++mint is much larger and more involved, to map rune tokens to Nock code. It accepts a type and a hoon, returning a type and a nock. It’s mostly a switch on rune matches as the AST is compiled into Nock.

Here is .? dotwut (clearly mapped to Nock):

{$dtwt *}  [(nice bool) [%3 q:$(gen p.gen, gol %noun)]]

Here is |% barcen, which uses ++grow to build a core:

{$brcn *}  (grow %gold p.gen %dry [%$ 1] q.gen)