
CS 498MC Martian Computing at the University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign

View the Project on GitHub davis68/martian-computing

Arvo II

Learning Objectives

The Core Arvo

The Event Handler

::  arvo: structural interface core
++  arvo
  ++  come  |=  [@ @ @ pram vise pone]
            (come:soul +<)
  ++  load  |=  [@ @ @ pram vase pane]
            (load:soul +<)
  ++  peek  |=  *
            =/  rob  (^peek ;;([@da path] +<))
            ?~  rob  ~
            ?~  u.rob  ~
            [~ u.u.rob]
  ++  poke  |=  *
            =>  .(+< ;;([now=@da ovo=ovum] +<))
            (poke:soul now ovo)
  ++  wish  |=(* (^wish ;;(@ta +<)))

Altogether, Arvo is remarkably straightforward (as an event handler should be) and has the surprising ability to upgrade itself in-place.

The State

The Arvo state is represented as a structure:

=/  pit=vase  !>(                          ::
=/  vil=vile  (viol p.pit)                      ::  cached reflexives
=|  $:  lac=_&                                  ::  laconic bit
        eny=@                                   ::  entropy
        our=ship                                ::  identity
        bud=vase                                ::  %zuse
        vanes=(list [label=@tas =vane])         ::  modules
    ==                                          ::
++  card  {p/@tas q/*}                          ::  typeless card
++  ovum  {p/wire q/card}                       ::  Arvo event
++  wire  path                                  ::  event cause

Arvo is a core with these six arms. To use these arms, we hardcode the axis of the formula (11, 4, 86, etc) into the C code that calls Arvo, because otherwise we’d need type metadata - which we can get, by calling Arvo.

One of the most salient system calls is to obtain entropy, or random generated numeric noice. Ultimately, entropy must be drawn from the Unix system via an ovum (see below):

?>  ?=(@ q.q.ovo)
=.  eny  (shaz (cat 3 eny q.q.ovo))

The flip side of this call may be found in urbit/vere/io/fore.c,

//  inject fresh entropy
c3_w    eny_w[16];

wir = u3nc(c3__arvo, u3_nul);
cad = u3nc(c3__wack, u3i_words(16, eny_w));

u3_auto_plan(car_u, u3_ovum_init(0, u3_blip, wir, cad));

where it is obtained from the system via urbit/vere/pier.c:

/* c3_rand(): fill a 512-bit (16-word) buffer.
c3_rand(c3_w* rad_w)
  ent_getentropy(rad_w, 64) )

libent is a cross-platform wrapper around getentropy(2). It exports one symbol, ent_getentropy. If getentropy is available, then it’s just a shim around that. Otherwise, it uses getrandom(2) (available since kernel 3.17) on Linux, or /dev/urandom on other *nix.


Arvo orchestrates vane activities using cards, but a card isn’t sent naked. It is accompanied by a duct, or list of causal events as a (list wire).

Arvo mandates that each vane maintain a queue of causal events. Vanes coordinate their duct/call stacks as queues (++to arm, common name qeu).

The Arvo causal stack is called a duct. This is represented simply as a list of paths, where each path represents a step in the causal chain. The first element in the path is the first letter of whichever vane handled that step in the computation, or the empty span for Unix.

This is a call stack, with a crucial feature: the stack is a first-class citizen. You can respond over a duct zero, one, or many times. You can save ducts for later use.

An incoming card is placed in a vane’s queue, with the provenance indicated in case errors or gifts need to be sent back along the call path.

There are four kinds of cards:

In other words, there are only four ways of seeing a move:

  1. as a request seen by the caller, which is a note;
  2. that same request as seen by the callee, a task;
  3. the response to that first request as seen by the callee, a gift;
  4. the response to the first request as seen by the caller, a sign.

The system also frequently deals in the ovum type,

+$  ovum  (pair wire curd)

which is a “card with a cause,” or a way of passing steps and actions into Arvo that is also compatible with %unix cards.

For input events, this is the module that caused the event; for output actions, it’s the module that performs the action.